World Osteoporosis Day


20th October 2021 is World Osteoporosis Day. Bone health is a crucial aspect of our general health. Bones are flexible, yet strong for movement and to protect our vital organs. Bones grow during childhood and adolescence and are constantly rebuilt during adulthood.

Osteoporosis. What is it?

Osteoporosis comes about when our bones become thin and weak, leading to seemingly innocuous accidents such as minor falls leading to bone fractures. For this reason, osteoporosis is often called a “silent” disease as there are typically no symptoms until a bone is broken.

Bone health management 

Bone health management is very important and the Osteoporosis Foundation have outlined some factors to take into consideration:

  1. Regular Exercise

Keep your body moving – weight-bearing, resistance and balance exercises should all be considered (with direction from a registered health professional)

  1. Nutrition

A diet with adequate Calcium, Vitamin D and protein can help. Check in with a registered dietician or nutritionist for professional help in this area!

  1. Lifestyle

Lifestyle habits including smoking and regular alcohol intake can negatively influence bone health. On the other hand, exercise, eating well, keeping emotionally in check and maintaining a healthy body weight can help positively influence bone health.

  1. Risk Factors

Osteoporosis risk factors may include things such as suffering previous fractures, hereditary factors, diabetes and early onset menopause, alongside the aforementioned smoking, inadequate nutrition, lack of exercise and Vitamin D deficiency.

  1. Testing & Treatment

If you are unsure, or feel you may be at high risk, consider getting getting in touch with a health professional to further discuss your concerns, and get tested and treated as required.

Physiotherapy. How can this help manage Osteoporosis?

Amongst other interventions, physiotherapy and exercise can play a key role in optimising bone health. Research has shown that bones benefit when they are subject to a certain amount of stimuli, making physiotherapy tailored weight bearing activities and resistance training most beneficial. We also need to consider how to prevent falls in the first instance, and so balance and mobility exercises also play a very important role in bone health and fracture prevention.

Our Ferry Rd Physio clinicians understand osteoporosis, and are experienced in assessment and managing this disease. For more information about osteoporosis and bone health management, visit or speak to our lovely team of health professionals.